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盛永红,女,汉族,九三社员,副教授,本科,学士,计算机科学技术学院教师,2002年以来发表主要论文4篇(动态模糊数据模型及应用研究、动态模糊数据的分解模型及应用研究、基于动态模糊集的协调机器学习模型、基于时间推理的主动专家数据库系统设计)第一主编编写出版教材3本(《计算机基础》、《多媒体应用教程》(附光盘)、《多媒体应用教程》);第一副主编编写教材1本(《Office 2007中文版实用教程》);参与教学课题《人体寄生虫学多媒体课件的开发与应用》获青岛大学校级教学成果三等奖。

Yonghong SHENG, Female, Han Chinese, Member of Jiusan Society, is currently an Associate Professor in College of Computer Science and Technology at Qingdao University. She graduated from Zhejiang University with a Bachelor degree in Computer Science. Since 2002, she has published many papers including four major ones: (1) The Modeling and its Application of Dynamic Fuzzy Data, (2) The Decomposition Modeling and its application of Dynamic Fuzzy Data, (3) The Coordinated Dynamic Machine Learning Models Based on Fuzzy Sets, (4) The Design of an Active Expert Database System with Time-based Reasoning. She is the first author of three textbooks - "Computer Basics", "Multimedia Applications Guide" (with CD) and "A Guide for Multimedia Application" ; She co-authored the textbook "Practice Guide of Office 2007” (Chinese version); Her research project "The Development and Application of Multimedia Courseware in Human Parasitology" won the third “University Teaching Achievement Prize” from Qingdao University.

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